Karen Hilliard joined the faculty of the National War College in July, 2019. She is a 30-year veteran of the Foreign Service and holds the rank of Minister Counselor. Overseas she served as USAID Mission Director to Jamaica, Armenia and Moldova, Acting AID Representative to Mongolia and Deputy Mission Director of the Regional Mission to Ukraine, Moldova and Belarus. In Washington, she served as Director of the Office of Strategic Planning and Budgeting in the Bureau for Global Health and held leadership positions in both the Program and Operations and Management Offices in the Bureau for Europe and Eurasia. Other overseas assignments include Nicaragua, Haiti, Malawi, Egypt and the Sultanate of Oman. Dr. Hilliard has a Master of Arts Degree in Latin American Studies, a Master of Public Administration Degree and a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of New Mexico. She is a former instructor of political science at the University of Arizona and assistant professor of public administration at Florida State University. She has published multiple articles in peer-reviewed public health and public administration journals. She speaks Spanish fluently and has achieved various levels of mastery in French, Portuguese, Quechua, Armenian and Romanian.
FUNCTIONAL EXPERTISE: global health, international development, strategic planning and program evaluation
REGIONAL EXPERTISE: Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern Europe and Eurasia
EMAIL: Karen.r.hilliard.civ@ndu.edu