Col Eric Knapp – USAF

Associate Professor

Colonel Eric Knapp, USAF, joined the NWC as military faculty in May 2022. He recently served as the Director of Special Investigations for the Air Force Inspector General at the Pentagon.  Colonel Knapp received his commission through the United States Air Force Academy in 1994 with a degree in Military History and is a 2007 graduate of the Western Hemisphere Institute of Security Cooperation.  He holds Masters Degrees in; American History from the University of Nebraska (1995), Organizational Management from George Washington University (2002) and Strategic Studies from U.S. Army War College (2015).  Colonel Knapp is a career Special Agent who has commanded at the detachment, squadron, and wing levels and led combat-enabling operations in Iraq during Operation IRAQI FREEDOM. Colonel Knapp’s staff assignments include Director of Strategic Programs and Requirements for Headquarters Air Force Office of Special Investigations, Instructor at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, and he served on the Joint Staff, J-3, Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection Division. 

FUNCTIONAL EXPERTISE:  Counterintelligence, Inter-Agency Coordination, Law Enforcement

REGIONAL EXPERTISE:   Latin America; Middle East; Western Europe
