* Note: Links to Published Works are Embedded in the Blue Text

Under the Iron Dome: Congress from the Inside (with Paul Herrnson and David Dulio, eds.)
Routledge, Editor, 20 September 2021

Leadership in the U.S. Senate: Hearding Cats in the Modern Era
Routledge, Editor, 14 August 2018

Congress and Diaspora Politics: The Influence of Ethnic and Foreign Lobbying
SUNY Press, Editor, 20 August 2018

Congress and Civil-Military Relations (with Dr. David P. Auerswald, ed.)
Georgetown University Press, Editor, 3 March 2015

Congress and the Politics of National Security (with Dr. David P. Auerswald, ed.)
Cambridge University Press, Editor, 2012

Impeaching Clinton: Partisan Strife on Capitol Hill (with Nicol C. Rae)
University Press of Kansas, 21 January 2004

War Stories from Capitol Hill (with Paul S. Herrnson)
Pearson, 23 August 2003

Campaigns and Elections: Issues, Concepts, Cases (with Robert P Watson, ed.)
Lynne Rienner Publishers, Editor, 1 January 2003

Congress and the Politics of Foreign Policy (with Nicol C. Rae and John)
Pearson, 25 August 2002

Congress Confronts the Court: The Struggle for Legitimacy and Authority in Lawmaking (with John F. Stack Jr.,ed.)
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Editor, 9 May 2002

Congress and the Internet (with James A. Thurber)
Pearson College Div, 1 January 2002

Congress and the Politics of Emerging Rights (with John F. Stack Jr.,ed.)
Rowan & Littlefield Publishers, Editor, 4 December 2001

Discharging Congress: Government by Commission
Praeger, 30 November 2001

The Contentious Senate: Partisanship, Ideology, and the Myth of Cool Judgement (with Nicol C. Rae, ed.)
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Editor, 13 December 2000

New Majority or Old Majority? – The Impact of Republicans on Congress (with Nicol C. Rae, ed.)
Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Editor, 13 December 2000
Book Chapters

The National Security Enterprise – Navigating the Labyrinth (Second Edition)
Part IV: The President's Partners and Rivals
Chapter 13: Congress: The Other Branch (pp 281-299) (with Dr. David P. Auerswald)
Georgetown University Press, July 2017