* Note: Links to Published Works are Embedded in the Blue Text

Educating Senior Service College: Students on Emerging and Disruptive Technologies
Joint Forces Quarterly, JPME Today, Issue 103, 4th Quarter, 2021

Categorizing Deer Hunters by Typologies Useful to Game Managers: A Latent-Class Model – Abstract (with Richard C. Stedman, A.E. Luloff, James S. Shortie, and James C. Finely)
Society & Natural Resources: An International Journal, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp 215-229, 15 February 2008
Conference Papers and Presentations
WholeSoldier Performance: A Value Focused Model of Soldier Quality
Barchi Prize Winning Paper
78th Military Operations Research Symposium (MORS), Quantico (VA), Paper, June 2010
Reducing Deer Overabundance by Distinguishing High-Productivity Hunters: Revealed-Preference, Incentive-Compatible Licensing Mechanism
American Agricultural Economics Association, Annual Meeting, Paper and Presentation, Providence (RI), July 2005
Army Officer Retention: Pre-Cadet Demographics Indicators
Western Economic Association International, Vancouver (BC), July 2000